Friday 6 December 2013

Possible magazine titles+Feedback

When trying to produce a name for my magazine, I had to look at various ways of researching potential possibilities including:

  • Research into R&B album names
  • Research into different R&B artists and the names of their songs/singles, as these would give me a feel of the language and vocabulary typically used around this genre and by the types of people within it.
  • I gained ideas from Google and Bing search engines by simply typing in the name of my music genre and reading a few articles or blogs about it. This gave me insight into the feel of the music and words that other people used to describe it.
  • Wikipedia provided me with many small words in its description of R&B music and also taught me about its history.

After  all this research into a possible name for my magazine, I ended up resorting to Due to the fact that R&B music generally evolved from and was created primarily by black people, I looked up synonyms of the word 'black'. The results found are shown to the right, with the words highlighted in darker orange being the better, most accurate and popular synonyms.
From this list I discovered where the titles of 'EBONY' and 'JET' magazine were derived from, as they are both synonyms for black and aimed at a black target audience.

I have created a mind map of some possible titles for my magazine and in the child bubbles I have stated some reasons why I would choose them. I have ensured that each possible title relates to my genre of music, R&B, in one way or another.

By scrolling through the other words there was one that stood out especially from the rest and that was ONIX. I reviewed my thoughts about this by surveying 44 people asking which one they preferred and the bar graph below presents my results. 

An onyx is a black rock characterized with parallel black and white layers. I decided to go ahead with this concept because it can resonate easily with all races who enjoy R+B/soul music. This was something that I was eager to incorporate in my magazine because black people, are often subjected to this particular genre of music. The Onyx concept fits well with my whole idea because I wish to create a magazine following the usual conventions of an R&B one, but I am aiming to include a more varied selection of models and featured artists. These will include white, black and Asian people.

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